Esther Allen, Associate Professor of Modern Languages at Baruch College, CUNY, and Leon Levy Fellow in 2014 – 2015, has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in translation. Allen is co-editor of In Translation: Translators on their Work and What It Means, and she has translated works by Javier Marías, José Manuel Prieto, and many others. As a Leon Levy fellow she worked on a biography (to be published by Henry Holt) of José Martí, the Cuban writer and political activist whose Selected Writings she edited, translated, and annotated for Penguin Classics.

As a Guggenheim Fellow, Allen will complete the translation of The Silentiary (first published in 1964) and The Suicides (1968), two novels by Antonio Di Benedetto (1922-1986), who was himself a Guggenheim Fellow in 1973.